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The Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday, March 16, 2010 in Conference Room #3 at the Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street in Newtown.  

Present:  Robert Rau (Chair), Mitchell Bolinsky, Joseph Humeston, Ted Kreinik, Robert Morey, Margaret Oliger, Donald Sharpe, and Wes Thompson.

Absent:  Martha LaMarche

Also Present:  Elizabeth Stocker, Director of Economic & Community Development

Chairman Rau called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Acceptance of Minutes – Commissioner Sharp motioned to approve minutes of February 23, 2010.  Motion seconded by Commissioner Kreinik.  Motion carried unanimously.

Public Participation – There were no members of the general public present.

Introduction of New Commissioners:  Mr. Rau introduced Margaret Oliger and Joseph Humeston to the commission.  

Tech Park – Discussion of Options for Development

Michael Dimyan, Vice President of Tower Realty in Brookfield, CT, presented information and answered questions regarding the possibilities of using a real estate broker for finding potential tenants/buyers for the Tech Park.  He has reviewed the property and the proposal for five lots and felt this was the right way to go.  He suggests getting it approved and shovel-ready prior to listing the property.  He also explained the benefits of listing the property exclusively with one broker.  

Phil Clark of Claris Construction was present to provide input and suggestions as an architect and developer.  He agreed with Mr. Dimyan that it would be beneficial to have an exclusive listing with a broker and that all the approvals should be set.  He the utilities should be all in first and a driveway, at least over the wetlands.  He suggested they differentiate the property in some way, maybe offer some kind of an incentive or do something that sets it apart from other properties.  He emphasized that having the roads and utilities in are imperative.

William Joyce, CEO of Advanced Fusion Systems, was present to discuss plans to relocate his company to Newtown in the old Pitney Bowes building.  They will be going before the Zoning Board of Appeals to seek a variance.  It was noted that the company would be the largest tax payer in Newtown.


  • Director, Economic and Community Development – Item tabled.
b.      Subcommittee Reports

  • Maximization of Sites for Economic Development –  Item tabled.
  • Business Advocacy/Retention –.  Mr. Kreinik discussed a proposal from the subcommittee (he and Mr. Sharp) regarding a three year plan which includes the hiring of a point person to work directly with existing and potential businesses in Newtown and to complete a town-wide survey.  Year two would include raising EDC visibility and media presence and to implement and promote a town-owned or managed incubator site. And then year three would be to replace the Salute to Business with a joint effort to support the Rotary, Chamber of Commerce and other similar business organizations.
iii.    Evaluate/Upgrade EDC Marketing Aids – Mr. Bolinsky handed out and discussed a document “EDC Marketing Aids Sub-Committee Summary of Objectives and Preliminary Work Plan.” The commission discussed pursuing more public relations and providing press releases for the media.   Every subcommittee is to convert their objectives to a draft press release.  Mr. Bolinsky will develop or filter all press releases.

iv.     Development of Tech Park – No further discussion.

v.      Strategic Plan – No discussion.

New Business

  • Report on Sandy Hook Street Scape – Mr. Rau discussed a meeting on March 10th that was held at Katherine’s Kitchen in Sandy Hook to discuss getting the Sandy Hook Street Scape back into the CIP for next year.  The committee discussed the possibility of any leftover funds from the CIP being used for this project.  Mike Burton will go before the Legislative Council on March 17th to support this and also with support from other Sandy Hook merchants.  
Mr. Kreinik motioned to adjourn the meeting at 10:35 pm,  Motion seconded by Mr. Morey.  Motion carried unanimously

Respectfully submitted by Tammy Hazen, Clerk